Rising Through the Flood of Loss
Hurricane force winds and surges devastated small Alaska Native villages with many losing it all!
In Nome, a hub village on the Bering Sea, Shoni Evans, a social worker for Nome Community Center sheltered five young children at the Nome Seventh-day Adventist church to keep them safe from flooding and a fire that was threatening to spread by exploding propane tanks. Shoni says that the children are safe from the flooding and fire and doing fine but others are not as lucky.
In the village of Golovin, people lost everything to the surging floodwaters. Their houses were washed off of their foundations and into the sea. "We have families that have lost everything. The stores are low because no flights are able to get to us as the airport is under water.
Arctic Mission Adventure and Adventist Community Center are local ministries of the Alaska Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. We are part of a larger coalition of local organizations teaming up to relieve the suffering. Our part is focusing on immediate, basic survival needs or Tier One needs. These include water, canned foods, diapers, baby formula, personal hygiene items as a first step to provide emergency relief to affected village communities.
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