Now more than ever before you can help Alaska Native village communities hear, see and feel Jesus Christ!
Winter is here, and.....there is no break from coronovirus isolation!
Life in our Alaska Native villages, before the coronavirus pandemic was hard – now it is five-times more difficult. Many struggle with depression and living a life without purpose. Now, more than ever before, our village communities need to hear, see and feel Jesus Christ and our AMA mission workers are stepping up and speaking out.
They have taken to the VHF airwaves, throughout their respective village, sharing the news that only Jesus Christ can give purpose to our lives and carry us through this isolation. Before COVID-19, only a handful of villagers would attend the “7th Day” church each week; now, entire villages are listening to the 7th day message. Old and young are responding to the encouragement of meeting Jesus through our workers.
People just like you are helping to provide the electricity needed to power the VHF and radio station that will help thousands of families make it through the coronavirus isolation.
As the need to spiritually reach village communities intensifies, the donations to keep our work advancing have declined 24% because of COVID-19. You can help us reverse this trend and end our fiscal year strong, prepared to face whatever lies ahead. To date, we need to raise $30,000 unrestricted dollars to keep our parsonages open and our mission workers in village.
Isolation from coronovirus doesn't take a summer break. With your help, we can ensure that the message of hope and purpose in Jesus Christ, for Alaska Native families won't either.
Arctic Mission Adventure
6100 O'Malley Rd. Anchorage, AK 99507 907.346.1004